The United States Air Force Academy became the fifth US Federal Service Academy on April 1, 1954, a mere six and a half years after the Air Force became an independent service branch. The Air Force Academy has distinguished itself from other institutions of higher education not only by its iconic modern architecture and dedication to technological advancement, but also through its rigorous and innovative academy and military training programs. Air Force Academy cadets have a unique college experience-guided by core values and bound by an honor code-and upon graduation, they... Read More
The United States Air Force Academy became the fifth US Federal Service Academy on April 1, 1954, a mere six and a half years after the Air Force became an independent service branch. The Air Force Academy has distinguished itself from other institutions of higher education not only by its iconic modern architecture and dedication to technological advancement, but also through its rigorous and innovative academy and military training programs. Air Force Academy cadets have a unique college experience-guided by core values and bound by an honor code-and upon graduation, they... Read More