Pelican Illustrator Submission Guidelines
Pelican Publishing , a division of Arcadia Publishing, is always interested in talented, hard-working illustrators. All materials that are submitted to us are kept on file and reviewed as new projects arise. We would be very happy to have you send some of your best work for our perusal. Below are our basic guidelines for submissions.
- Appointments: We are not making appointments at this time.
- Via Mail: Please do not mail materials for books not yet contracted.
- Via Email: Please send as jpegs to Watermarks are acceptable. We will not use your art without your permission and an active agreement in place.
- Artwork Markings: Be sure all materials have your complete name, address, phone number, and email in case the materials are separated or some are to be returned.
- Artwork Format: Try to keep the size of all materials under 8 1/2 x 11. Published works are preferable, but color and B/W copies are acceptable.
- Suggested Subject Matter: Since the majority of our illustrated books are for (1) children, (2) young adults and (3) technical, work submitted should be in these categories. Our children's books are generally full color with both whimsical and realistic, human and animal characters. Our young adult books require black/white line work in a mostly realistic style. Technical work would include maps, diagrams, charts etc.
Children’s Book Illustrator Guidelines
Illustration checklist for a 32-page book:
- 1 piece of spot art for the title page on page 1 (Title Page)
- Pages 2-3 rendered in pale or muted colors for copyright and dedication information to be placed on top (full-page spread)
- 14 full-page spreads for pages 4-31 (The story begins on page 4)
- 1 piece of spot art for the title page on page 32 (This page is for author’s notes)
- 1 full page spread for the end sheets. These will repeat in the back, after page 32. A name plate will be added to the front spread with “This book belongs to”.
- 1 full color piece of original art for the wraparound book jacket and case.
A current resume showing work in the design area (especially books) is helpful.
We are currently only accepting digital submissions for projects not under contract. Please email your samples to