Scioto County's War with Spain
Discover the fascinating history of one of America's most overlooked conflicts through the eyes of one community as they rallied behind their native sons serving during the Spanish-American War. Like much of the nation in 1898, Scioto County, Ohio, burned with war fever. In their zeal to liberate Cubans from Spanish oppression, the communities rallied around its small National Guard company, Company H. Local papers ran constant updates from "the boys,'? who found themselves liberating Puerto Rico. The home front buzzed with activity, as church groups, civic clubs and individuals shipped care packages to the soldiers. The community went wild upon their return seven months later. Parades, dedications and honorifics of every sort proclaimed that the sacrifices of community and soldiers would never be forgotten. But they were. Local history buff John McHenry brings to light the struggles and triumphs of the county during this oft-overlooked conflict.