Legends, Lore and Secrets of New England
The stories, legends, and lore surrounding New England's most haunted places. A must-read for fans of the supernatural and New England history.
New England's history is marked with witch executions, curses and an untold number of cemeteries hiding mysteries beneath their stones. In this sometimes harsh landscape, the truth is often stranger than fiction. Examine the footprints burned into the ledge of Devil's Foot Rockin Rhode Island. Spend a night at the Kennebunk Innin Maine, where the mischievous specter of Silas Perkins still resides. Traverse an old dirt road near Sterling, Connecticut, where the Darn Man'sfrozen body was uncovered in 1863.
Authors Thomas D'Agostino and Arlene Nicholson uncover the history behind the region's best-kept secrets and lore. As you flip through these pages of New England's legends, tread lightly--you just might find a story that will follow you home.