Restless spirits in seemingly tranquil summer cottages and specters watching for phantom ships from a sea captain's mansion are among the many ghostly residents of one of New England's oldest counties.
The harshly beautiful coastline of York County has a long history of storm, revolution and violence that seems to lure deceased residents from the ether. From the otherworldly mariners in the Boon Island Lighthouse to the terrifying cells of Old Gaol, America's oldest prison, an abundance of mysteries reflects the region's turbulent past. Join Roxie J. Zwicker, haunted history au... Read More
Restless spirits in seemingly tranquil summer cottages and specters watching for phantom ships from a sea captain's mansion are among the many ghostly residents of one of New England's oldest counties.
The harshly beautiful coastline of York County has a long history of storm, revolution and violence that seems to lure deceased residents from the ether. From the otherworldly mariners in the Boon Island Lighthouse to the terrifying cells of Old Gaol, America's oldest prison, an abundance of mysteries reflects the region's turbulent past. Join Roxie J. Zwicker, haunted history au... Read More