Celebrate the life and libations of Pierre Celis, the Hoegaargarden legend who resurrected witbier and established Austin's first craft brewery.
A former milkman in the small village of Hoegaargarden, Pierre Celis opened a brewery that brought back the extinct witbier style of Belgium and rejuvenated an Old World tradition throughout Europe. Following a devastating fire in his native country, the godfather of witbier set up shop in Austin. Pierre's passion took fresh shape in the form of Celis Beer and influenced an entire generation of hopheads. His daughter Christine r... Read More
Celebrate the life and libations of Pierre Celis, the Hoegaargarden legend who resurrected witbier and established Austin's first craft brewery.
A former milkman in the small village of Hoegaargarden, Pierre Celis opened a brewery that brought back the extinct witbier style of Belgium and rejuvenated an Old World tradition throughout Europe. Following a devastating fire in his native country, the godfather of witbier set up shop in Austin. Pierre's passion took fresh shape in the form of Celis Beer and influenced an entire generation of hopheads. His daughter Christine r... Read More