Since 1835, when Ziba Beardsley declared, "The water is as clear as crystal,'? generations of people have enjoyed this small Illinois city's spring-fed lake.
The pages of this book take readers on a trip back through time to learn more about the twin towns of Nunda and Crystal Lake, and their eventual union. Meet some of Crystal Lake's first settlers, and discovered how early townspeople shaped the community. Trace the development of both Virginia Street and the historic downtown district through vintage street scenes. Some of the buildings shown in Crystal Lakewere ... Read More
Since 1835, when Ziba Beardsley declared, "The water is as clear as crystal,'? generations of people have enjoyed this small Illinois city's spring-fed lake.
The pages of this book take readers on a trip back through time to learn more about the twin towns of Nunda and Crystal Lake, and their eventual union. Meet some of Crystal Lake's first settlers, and discovered how early townspeople shaped the community. Trace the development of both Virginia Street and the historic downtown district through vintage street scenes. Some of the buildings shown in Crystal Lakewere ... Read More