Newark Public Library
Ever since Rev. Abraham Pierson of Bradford, Connecticut, brought his collection of 400 books to Newark in 1666, the city has had libraries. First attached to churches and schools, these private libraries catered to audiences for specific purposes; they were not open to all. In 1887, the citizens of Newark voted to establish a free public library, the Newark Public Library, which became the seventh in the state of New Jersey. Since then, trustees, directors, and staff members have contributed to the overall success of the library through their dedication to its services and collections. They have done so at the main library on Washington Street, built in 1901, and at the various branches constructed across the city in the 1920s. A legacy, consisting of dedicated librarians and clerks who provide excellent services and inspiring programs based on unique collections, has been maintained with community support for over a century.
William A. Peniston was the librarian and archivist at the Newark Museum of Art for 25 years (from 1995 to 2021). He was also the archival consultant for the Librariana Collection (the institutional archives) at the Newark Public Library from 2013 to 2014. He is the author of Images of America: Newark Museum of Art (2023).