Dartmouth College Football: Green Fields of Autumn captures the colorful tradition of Dartmouth footba... Read More
Dartmouth College Football: Green Fields of Autumn captures the colorful tradition of Dartmouth footba... Read More
Dartmouth College Football: Green Fields of Autumn captures the colorful tradition of Dartmouth footba... Read More
Dartmouth College Football: Green Fields of Autumn captures the colorful tradition of Dartmouth footba... Read More
Dartmouth College Football: Green Fields of Autumn captures the colorful tradition of Dartmouth football. On a campus that President Dwight D. Eisenhower described as "what a college ought to look like," football is at the center of an autumn rite that has left its mark on the game. Dartmouth teams have played in stadiums across the continent, produced Hall of Fame performers, and sent players to the NFL and to the nation's CEO ranks. It is a legacy that continues with each crisp New Hampshire autumn.
Dartmouth College Football: Green Fields of Autumn captures the colorful tradition of Dartmouth football. On a campus that President Dwight D. Eisenhower described as "what a college ought to look like," football is at the center of an autumn rite that has left its mark on the game. Dartmouth teams have played in stadiums across the continent, produced Hall of Fame performers, and sent players to the NFL and to the nation's CEO ranks. It is a legacy that continues with each crisp New Hampshire autumn.