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Cheyenne Frontier Days
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Cheyenne Frontier Days? originated in 1897 after a few individuals conceived a signature event as a way to revive the thrilling incidents and pictures of life in the Old West. Their vision included a celebration that would bring visitors from all over the world to the capital city of Wyoming. From its beginnings, Cheyenne residents valued a rural lifestyle that inspired them to create a frontier festival. For more than a century, Cheyenne Frontier Days? has been the spirit, heart, and soul of the community and the cowboy way of life. Today, it has evolved into the world's largest outdoor rodeo and celebration of its kind.

Fort Bridger
Regular price $24.99 Sale price $17.49 Save 30%
The history of Fort Bridger represents a microcosm of the development of the American West. Situated in an area initially inhabited by the Shoshone people, Fort Bridger was established during a transitional phase between the fur-trade era and the period of western migration. The fort became one of the most important supply points along the nation's western trail network. Later, the post served as a bastion of civilization as one of a number of western military posts. Soldiers at the fort protected not only the lives and property of its local citizenry but also the emerging transportation and communication advancements of a nation. Following the Army's departure, a small settlement emerged at Fort Bridger, using buildings and materials from the old military garrison. Today, the fort and town remain active, in part as a respite for travelers just as it had been more than 150 years ago.

Fort Laramie
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Fort Laramie was one of the most important frontier outposts of the American West. Founded as the trading post Fort William in 1834, the fort became a U.S. military post in 1849. Beginning in 1841, emigrants stopped at Fort Laramie while traveling the Oregon, California, and Mormon Trails. Fort Laramie served as a gathering place for thousands of Native Americans and hosted the 1851 and 1868 treaty councils. When the treaties failed, the post became the staging area for campaigns that eventually led to the tribes's confinement on reservations. Fort Laramie was abandoned by the military in 1890; the buildings were auctioned and served private interests during the homestead period from 1890 to 1937. Fort Laramie was acquired by the state of Wyoming in 1937, and the fort became a unit of the National Park System in 1938. Fort Laramie National Historic Site is open daily except New Year's Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. The restoration of many structures to their historical appearance provides visitors with a glimpse of the past.