A complete reproduction of the rare 1838 edition--reprinted for the first time in over one hundred years.
This little volume was originally penned by a whaling captain for his son. Irresistibly collectable, this edition--featuring 112 original black-and-white plates--retains all the charm of the original, including descriptions
of successful voyages, whale hunting advice and
sailing superstitions.
This little volume was originally penned by a whaling captain for his son. Irresistibly collectable, this edition--featuring 112 original black-and-white plates--retains all the charm of the original, including descriptions
of successful voyages, whale hunting advice and
sailing superstitions.
Format: Paperback
This little volume was originally penned by a whaling captain for his son. Irresistibly collectable, this edition--featuring 112 original black-and-white plates--retains all the charm of the original, including descriptions
of successful voyages, whale hunting advice and
sailing superstitions.