Founding the Pennsylvania Wilds and Preserving Elk Country
The village of Benezette is ground zero for the famous elk herd of the Pennsylvania Wilds. Before becoming a popular ecotourism destination, the community was a quiet village with a hardworking ethos. The region’s first settlers arrived in the 1780s, looking for new frontiers and economic opportunities. Reuben Winslow purchased more than three hundred acres of land along the Bennett’s Branch of Sinnemahoning Creek and, by 1844, had laid down the town’s lots as the founder of Benezette. The arrival of the Penns... Read More
Founding the Pennsylvania Wilds and Preserving Elk Country
The village of Benezette is ground zero for the famous elk herd of the Pennsylvania Wilds. Before becoming a popular ecotourism destination, the community was a quiet village with a hardworking ethos. The region’s first settlers arrived in the 1780s, looking for new frontiers and economic opportunities. Reuben Winslow purchased more than three hundred acres of land along the Bennett’s Branch of Sinnemahoning Creek and, by 1844, had laid down the town’s lots as the founder of Benezette. The arrival of the Penns... Read More