Glacier National Park is a majestic million acres of towering mountains, ancient glaciers, and amazing biodiversity. Located astride both the Continental Divide and Hudson Bay Divide, Glacier contains Triple Divide Peak, the only point in North America from which the waters drain into three oceans. The land that George Bird Grinnell called the "Crown of the Continent" and that John Muir described as "the best care-killing scenery on the continent" has been
delighting visitors since well before it was set aside as a park in 1910. Through the years, countless people have come to Glacier to h... Read More
delighting visitors since well before it was set aside as a park in 1910. Through the years, countless people have come to Glacier to h... Read More
delighting visitors since well before it was set aside as a park in 1910. Through the years, countless people have come to Glacier to h... Read More