For a city that only incorporated to pass legislation about unruly hogs, Dunedin has experienced more than a century of progress, struggle, and success.
In 1878, when two Scottish merchants were granted a petition to open a post office in their small unincorporated Florida community, they were also given the privilege of naming the area. They called it Dunedin, the Gaelic word for Edinburgh, their Scottish home. The town only incorporated officially in 1899 due to conflicts among residents about hogs roaming the streets. From the ineffective "hog law'? to the development of rom... Read More
For a city that only incorporated to pass legislation about unruly hogs, Dunedin has experienced more than a century of progress, struggle, and success.
In 1878, when two Scottish merchants were granted a petition to open a post office in their small unincorporated Florida community, they were also given the privilege of naming the area. They called it Dunedin, the Gaelic word for Edinburgh, their Scottish home. The town only incorporated officially in 1899 due to conflicts among residents about hogs roaming the streets. From the ineffective "hog law'? to the development of rom... Read More