The 1984 New Orleans World's Fair
Regular price $24.99 Sale price $17.49 Save 30%In 1984, the city of New Orleans hosted the last world's fair held in the United States.
Conceived as part of an ambitious effort to revitalize a dilapidated section of the city and establish New Orleans as a year-round tourist destination, it took more than 12 years of political intrigue and design changes before the gates finally opened. Stretching 84 acres along the Mississippi River, the fair entertained more than seven million guests with a colorful collection of pavilions, rides, and restaurants during its six-month run. While most world's fairs lose money, the 1984 New Orleans World's Fair had the dubious distinction of going bankrupt and almost closing early. However, the $350-million investment did succeed in bringing new life to the area, which is now home to the city's convention center and a bustling arts district.

Tennessee Centennial
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The Atlanta Exposition
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Jamestown Exposition
Regular price $24.99 Sale price $17.49 Save 30%readers will experience this historic event from its early planning and construction, meeting the men responsible for its coordination and success, to the pomp and circumstance of the different exhibits of participating companies, states, and foreign powers. The true-life story of Pocahontas, or Matoaka; the Battle of the Merrimack and Monitor, the exposition's most popular exhibit; and the colorful review of the different world navies, such as the Japanese and British fleets, are just a few examples of the fascinating stories touched upon in this first volume.

Jamestown Exposition
Regular price $24.99 Sale price $17.49 Save 30%held a separate exhibit along with the festivities of the larger exposition. Also, the exposition served as the starting point for the around-the-world voyage of President Teddy Roosevelt's Great White Fleet, a bold demonstration of America's naval superiority and new role as a leading world power.