- collection:sale-prices
- bisac: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Industries / Retailing
- series:Images of America
- bisac: HISTORY / United States / State & Local / Midwest (IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, SD, WI)
- Business & economics > Corporate & Business History
- Business & economics > Industries > Retailing
- History > United States > State & Local > Midwest (IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, SD, WI)
- Photography > Subjects & Themes > Historical
- Photography > Subjects & Themes > Regional (see also TRAVEL > Pictorials)
- collection:sale-prices
- bisac: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Industries / Retailing
- series:Images of America
- bisac: HISTORY / United States / State & Local / Midwest (IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, SD, WI)
- Business & economics > Corporate & Business History
- Business & economics > Industries > Retailing
- History > United States > State & Local > Midwest (IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, SD, WI)
- Photography > Subjects & Themes > Historical
- Photography > Subjects & Themes > Regional (see also TRAVEL > Pictorials)
Remembering Marshall Field's
Regular price $24.99 Sale price $17.49 Save 30%or more than 150 years, Marshall Field's reigned as Chicago's leading department store, celebrated for its exceptional service, spectacular window displays, and fashionable merchandise.
Few shoppers recalled its origins as a small dry goods business opened in 1852 by a New York Quaker named Potter Palmer. That store, eventually renamed Marshall Field and Company, weathered economic downturns, spectacular fires, and fierce competition to become a world-class retailer and merchandise powerhouse. Marshall Field sent buyers to Europe for the latest fashions, insisted on courteous service, and immortalized the phrase "give the lady what she wants." The store prided itself on its dazzling Tiffany mosaic dome, Walnut Room restaurant, bronze clocks, and a string of firsts including the first bridal registry and first book signing.

Remembering Hudson's
Regular price $24.99 Sale price $17.49 Save 30%Relive the history of Hudson's department store, a fixture in downtown Detroit , when retailing was an event and the department store ruled the shopping scene and was a Detroit icon.
The J. L. Hudson Company redefined the way Detroiters shopped and enjoyed leisure time. Many Detroiters share memories of times spent shopping and enjoying spectacular events sponsored by Hudson's. A solid and lofty icon built by businesspeople who believed in their passion, Hudson's defined Detroit's downtown, creating trends and traditions in consumer culture that still resonate with us today. Now and in the future, as Hudson's boxes, shopping bags, and artifacts are discovered in closets, attics, basements, and flea markets, many will remember that it was once as solid a civic fixture as the City-County Building or the Detroit Public Library.

Historic Sears, Roebuck and Co. Catalog Plant
Regular price $24.99 Sale price $17.49 Save 30%
Regular price $24.99 Sale price $17.49 Save 30%For over a century, the J.L. Hudson's Department Store was more than just a store - it was a Detroit icon and a world-class cultural treasure.
At 25 stories, Hudson's was the world's tallest department store, and was at one time home to the most exceptional offerings in shopping, dining, services, and entertainment. The store prided itself on stocking everything from grand pianos to spools of thread. In addition to regular department store fare, the original Hudson's store featured an auditorium, a circulating library, dining rooms, barber shops, a photo studio, holiday exhibits, a magnificent place called Toytown, and the world's largest American flag. As a legendary symbol of urban and entrepreneurial American history, the J.L. Hudson's Department Store earned a permanent place in Detroit's collective memory. Although "the big store" no longer graces Woodward Avenue, its legacy lives on in the hearts and minds of generations, and in the remarkable photographs that preserve its reign.

Cleveland's Department Stores
Regular price $24.99 Sale price $17.49 Save 30%Shopping has always been big business. Learn all about the golden age of Cleveland's department stores by retail historian Christopher Faircloth.
Originating as simple storefront operations, Cleveland's department stores grew as population and industry in the region boomed throughout the late 19th century and the first half of the 20th. They moved into ever larger and elaborate structures in an attempt to woo the shopping dollars of blue-collar and genteel Clevelanders alike. Stores such as Halle's, Higbee's, May Company, Bailey Company, Sterling-Lindner-Davis, and others both competed with and complemented one another, all the while leaving an indelible mark on the culture of northeast Ohio and beyond. From the humble origins of Halle's horse-drawn delivery wagons to Christmas favorites like Mr. Jingeling and the massive Christmas tree at Sterling-Lindner-Davis - it is all here in crisp, black-and-white images, many of which have not been seen in print for decades.

Downtown Gary
Regular price $24.99 Sale price $17.49 Save 30%Downtown Gary: Millrats, Politics, and US Steel provides a glimpse of the Gary of yesteryear when downtown was the social, cultural, and political center of the community.
Before the era of gigantic shopping malls, big-box stores, and online shopping, the commercial centers of major American cities were located in areas often referred to as downtown. From the 1920s through the 1960s, people from throughout the Calumet Region flocked to the Steel City's popular stores, theaters, and restaurants by car, bus, and the South Shore Railroad. For many, Gordon's, Lytton's, Sears, and Goldblatt's bring back memories of window-shopping, making layaway plans, visiting Santa, and being asked "May I help you?" by courteous employees. Downtown Gary: Millrats, Politics, and US Steel provides a look at the stores, politics, churches, schools, and of course, United States Steel Corporation and the millrats of forgotten Gary.

The Fleischmann Yeast Family
Regular price $24.99 Sale price $17.49 Save 30%
The Swiss Colony
Regular price $24.99 Sale price $17.49 Save 30%
Schaumburg’s Woodfield Mall
Regular price $24.99 Sale price $17.49 Save 30%
Dayton's Department Store
Regular price $24.99 Sale price $17.49 Save 30%
Herbst Department Store
Regular price $24.99 Sale price $17.49 Save 30%
20th-Century Retailing in Downtown Grand Rapids
Regular price $24.99 Sale price $17.49 Save 30%Grand Rapids, Michigan was the center for shopping in western Michigan with department stores, five-and-dimes and more, until the advent of the shopping mall.
For decades, downtown Grand Rapids enjoyed a long run in the limelight as the epicenter of shopping in western Michigan. The vibrant Monroe Avenue corridor included three homegrown department stores, several chain department stores, five-and-dime stores, and scores of clothing and specialty retailers. It weathered mother nature, wars, the Great Depression, the advent of neighborhood shopping centers, and civil disturbances--but the one change it could not overcome was the regional shopping mall.